Related accessories
Prikaži sve
38L centralni kofer
Zahvaljujući centralnom koferu kapaciteta 38L, na put možete poneti sve što vam je neophodno. Praktičan i prostran, on je idealan aksesoar za vašu svakodnevicu.

34L bočni koferi
Bočni koferi su neophodan akesoar koji će vam pomoći da se bez razmišljanja upustite u svaku avanturu.

Crash bars
Engine guard bars are the additional protection your motorcycle needs to safeguard fairing and tank. Low and High* (*installable only with low engine guard bar).

Povišeni vizir
Povišeni vizir je protekcija koja će vam biti od velikog značaja za duga putovanja i vožnju pri većim brzinama.

Aluminijumski štitnik agregata
Aluminijumski štitnik motora je dodatna zaštita za vaš agregat.

Sniženo sedište
Comfort and safety are the basis for traveling at your best on your motorcycle.

Homologovan SC-Project izduvni sistem
Ultra lagani titanijumski slip-in izduvni sistem je rezultat saradnje MOTO MORINI-a i SC-PROJECT-a.

Štitnici ruku
Štitnici ruku su aksesoar obavezan za sve vaše avanture, ali i dodatak koji će savršeno doprineti stilu vašeg X-CAPE modela.

Engine heat protectors set
The heat protection set is the best accessory to protect the most exposed body parts from the engine heat.

Moto Morini Hats
Discover the new Moto Morini Hats

Rukohvati za suvozača
Ovo je dodatna oprema koju morate posedovati radi bezbednog putovanja u dvoje.

Roll bar
Roll barovi su dodatna oprema koja vam je pre svega neophona kako bi…

Bočna torba
The side bags kit of 12L each.

Torba za rezervoar
The 8L tank bag is the essential accessory for your travels.

STR Windscreen
The new windshield for Seiemmezzo STR is the accessory that gives more style to your bike

Seiemmezzo Handguards Set
The handguard set is the additional accessory that gives protection to the driver.

STR Higher Plate Holder
It is the alternative solution for those who want to give continuity to the line of your Seiemmezzo STR

STR Saddle Cover
It is the accessory you need to give an extra touch of style to your Seiemmezzo STR

STR Lower Fairing
The lowe fairing is the accessory that improves the aesthetics of your bike giving aerodynamics and stability while driving.

Stabilizator volana Brown Heritage
Dostupan u dve verzije, Brown Heritage i Black Sport PVC.

Stabilizator volana Black Sport PVC
Dostupan u dve verzije, Brown Heritage i Black Sport PVC.

SCR Extended Mudguard
The Extended fender is the right accessory to protect your Seiemmezzo SCR from rubble during your off-road adventures.

SCR Windscreen
The new SCR Windscreen is the accessory that offers a refined look to your Seiemmezzo

Black Raised Flat Saddle
Looking for more comfort in the seat during your travels with your partner? The flat saddle is the right solution!